From the newsletter... We are planning something fun for the October meeting. The main activity will be the Spotlight on Species. We are recruiting 3 to 5 SDBS members who can present a good show’n’tell of a bromeliad species of their preference. No slideshow required! Presenters will have no more than 10 minutes each to show us their plant and tell us its story. Things to include: History: When was the species first described? Any name changes since then? Maybe there’s a story about its discovery. You can tell us how it came to be grown in California. And your own plant - Where and when did you acquire it?
Distribution/Habitat: Areas of distribution, habitat description, plant habit (epiphyte, terrestrial, etc). Who are the pollinators for this plant? Is this species endangered or widespread?
Culture:How do you grow it? Does it produce many offsets? When does it bloom? Are there any challenges in growing the plant? Are there any cultivars of the species? Can you name some?
The best place to do your research? The Bromeliad Species Database is a great benefit to BSI members!. Those who attended the presentation with Graeme Barclay, the BSD database manager, are already familiar with this wonderful resource. Of course, these are only suggestions. The important thing is, make your presentation entertaining! Because the person who is voted the best show’n’tell gets a PRIZE - a wonderful plant procured by Scott Sandel, our bromeliad curator. If you are interested in presenting, let Juliana know asap.