April’s meeting was fun and well attended. Look for the recording soon.
The Espinhaço Mountain Range in Minas Gerais and Bahia: a living laboratory for Bromeliads Diversity
Leonardo Versieux, well-known for his discoveries of new bromeliads in the Minas Gerais and Bahia states of Brazil was our speaker in April. Leonardo spoke to us from Bahia, taking us on a trip for special plants in the Espinhaço Mountain ranges of northeastern Brazil. He introduced us to the geography and geology of these mountains and how they have produced the high diversity of bromeliads found there as well as the people who have been involved in their discovery. *https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262219392_Eduandrea_selloana_Field_Notes_on_a_New_Area_of_Occurrence
Walter Rauh with Cottendorfia florida inflorescence
Vriesea tequendamae, taken by Scott in the Valle de Cocora, in the QuindÃo Department of Colombia