April Meeting in Balboa Park Casa Del Prado at 10 a.m.
“Bromeliads in Australia: The 2008 BSI World Conference"
Cristy Brenner will share her experiences at the 2008 BSI World conference in Australia. She has attended all of the BSI World Conferences since 2000, and states that this conference was definitely one of the best. The conference was held in Cairns, in the tropical area of Northeastern Australia, and many members from San Diego and other Southern California societies attended. The Aussie’s are exceptional growers and hybridizers and created beautiful displays. We also toured many amazing gardens and enjoyed the Aussie’s great hospitality.
This talk is designed to get you excited about the upcoming conference in May, in West Palm Beach, Florida—hope you are going. In addition, you have probably heard that the 2026 World Conference will be held in Southern California. It will be hosted by the Saddleback Valley Bromeliad Society and it will probably be in Costa Mesa. So, there will be an opportunity to attend one of these wonderful conferences without flying across the country. You will also be able to show your beautiful plants, talk with Bromeliad enthusiasts from around the world, and hear talks from leading Bromeliad experts. It will also offer a great opportunity for those of you who sell your Bromeliads. Hopefully, all of the Southern California Bromeliad societies will participate to make this a very successful conference.
Cristy is a retired community college geography professor from Mission Viejo, California. As a geographer, she has visited all of the continents, but in recent years she has concentrated on traveling to regions where Bromeliads are located. She has photographed Bromeliads in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. In Venezuela, she was part of a helicopter expedition to the top of Auyun Tepui and a second trip included a hike to the top of Roraima Tepui. She is a member of all Southern California Bromeliad societies, and is the former president of the Saddleback Valley Bromeliad Society and current newsletter editor. She is also a former member of the BSI board and a BSI judge.
Plant Table for April
We have a special group of plants that we have growing happily and waiting for their debut! Many of these fine plants will make an appearance at the April opportunity table.
Aechmea racinae
The list of plants we'll have to choose from:
Aechmea carvalhoi
Aechmea fulgens v. discolor cv. Vin Rose
Aechmea orlandiana
Aechmea racinae
Neoregelia ‘Royal Cordovan’
Neoregelia 'Cantankerous'
Neoregelia Oppenheimer x paucifolia
Neoregelia Super Fireball
Neoregelia 'Thunderclouds'
Nidularium ferdinando-coburgii
Tillandsia Aztec Flame (T. jalisco-monticola x dugesii)
Tillandsia Curly Slim (T. intermedia x streptophylla) - Dimmitt Hybrid
Tillandsia fasciculata v fasciculata (Honduras silver form)
Tillandsia multicaulis
Tillandsia Queen's Sceptre - (T. harrisii x fasciculata v. uncispica)
Tillandsia Queen's Trinket - (T. flabellata x ionantha)
Tillandsia Salmon ‘Fire’
Tillandsia x Floridana x fasciculata v. densispica
Vriesea fosteriana 'Red Chestnut'
Wallisia lindeniana (= T. umbellata)
x Vriecantarea 'Julietta'
Just a few of the many genera in the bromeliad world...