The March Meeting ... was a well-attended meeting in Balboa Park (between rain showers)!
Hohenbergia correia-araujei
(pronounced ‘hoe hen burg ee ah core ay ee ah are ah oo gee eye’)
Vriesea 'Uncle Bob'
(pronounced ‘vreeze ee ah’)
Dyckia 'Naked Lady'
(pronounced ‘dick ee ah’)
We enjoyed presentations from 3 speakers on 3 bromeliad genera.
Three short talks on Dyckias, Vrieseas and Hohenbergias. They are not the most commonly grown bromeliads but you will occasionally see them on the plant table or on the auction block.
Robert Kopfstein entertained us with his knowledge and tales of encounters with Dyckias
Scott Sandel, our erstwhile champion of Neoregelia, showed and discussed his successes with the Vriesea clan.
Andrew Wilson, aided and abetted by Dan Kinnard and Eloise Lau, introduced us to the Hohenbergia crowd and to the styles of living they expect whether sunning on the beach, hiding out in the forest or getting by in the hard places.