It's Time to Prepare for the June Show and Sale.
Show time!
We have a simple plan for the SHOW and we want YOU [and some of your plants.] The SDBS show will have a more formal style. We will display your plants on tables with signage, and we'll have hangers as well. It is not a judged show.
We ask that people use this spreadsheet to let us know what you are planning to exhibit. This way, we hope to ensure we have enough variety to represent the bromeliad family. Neatness will be a big factor this year. Plants and pots will be in the spotlight; make sure to give your show broms the spa treatment ahead of time. Clean up debris, remove dry leaves, make sure no pests are present. Your pots must be clean as well, give them a scrub all around. A final rub with a tablespoon of vegetable oil on a paper towel makes even the saddest plastic pot look fresh. Link to Spreadsheet below . . . |