In September ...
Scroll through some SDBS past events and meetings below...
Check out these photos below of our Del Mar Fair exhibit this year!
Back in May:
At our meeting in May, we had fabulous turn-out! We had a lively presentation, and the food was great. (Thanks for the anniversary pineapple cake, Kerry!!!) Some nice Neoregelias were placed in a silent auction (new) format. Top-shelf Vrieseas were won in the well-participated live auction! Congratulations, winners of raffle plants. Next year, bring them in to Show & Tell!
See our events tab for the June World Bromeliad Conference.
December 2021 Plant Sale was a Success!
The holiday season plant sale in Balboa Park was a success by all counts.
It was great seeing folks. Our treasurer, Al Evans, reported financial success. We are a well-oiled machine, with members coming together to set-up the space, work the sales stations, and break-down at the end. Thanks to everyone who participated, especially to our treasurer, Al -- and to Morlane, who organized it.
It was great seeing folks. Our treasurer, Al Evans, reported financial success. We are a well-oiled machine, with members coming together to set-up the space, work the sales stations, and break-down at the end. Thanks to everyone who participated, especially to our treasurer, Al -- and to Morlane, who organized it.
Some of the plants that were on offer!